Saturday, February 26, 2011

Maintaining and Operating a Metal Bench Lathe

A metal bench lathe requires careful maintenance for it to last long and work effectively. It must be maintained in the best way possible to prevent damages as well as to ensure the user's safety. The one key thing in ensuring the longevity of a metal bench lathe is to keep it clean and free from all debris or metal chips. This can be done by blowing the machine after use with compressed air, as this will help remove even the dirt that is firmly sticking to the machine. The presence of metal chips in the jaws of a Metal bench lathe can make the machine crash or eat into the material while using it. This cannot only ruin the metal bench lathe together with the raw material but can also knock off the machine from the point of concentration.

All chips should be kept away from the bed because their accumulation can stick into the spindle while working and this can cause bruises in the arms of the user as well as cause a thermal break down stemming from the failure of the coolant to reach the tool's tip. All metal chips should therefore be cleared before embarking on the job. It is also very essential to know how to operate the Metal Bench Lathe so it works perfectly. It all starts with turning on the machine. The machine should be turned off when it is not in use because it usually consumes a lot of power. Once it has been turned on, the spindle should be started at 1000 RPM. The machine should be allowed to run for 10 minutes before starting to use it. This helps distribute to all the key areas in the machine and allow for the warming up of the spindle before cutting begins. One should ensure that tool is sharp because sharpness determines how well or bad the machine will perform.

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