Sunday, March 6, 2011

Segmented Woodturning Allows the Artist To Put Together Many Designs to Create One Great Piece

Methods Used for Woodturning:

In woodturning, lot of methods were used to provide a very unique outcome. Segmented woodturning is one of those methods. Segmented woodturning allows the artist to use texture and color as design elements in making lathe turned vessels, wood bowls and other pretty wood piece sculptures. In other words, a segmented wood turner has the prerogative on what he or she wants to make.

Segmented woodturning is where an initial work piece composed of number of parts glued together is turned on a wood lathe. This also involves having to glue up a few slabs of wood. This process allows the creation of patterns as well as beautiful visual effects in the turned objects. Polychromatic turning is the other name for the segmented style.

What Makes Segmented Woodturning Different?

Unlike with the conventional methods of woodturning wherein the template used is actually a single piece of wood and the size, orientation of the grain, as well as the bright colors of the wood frame how it can actually be turned into the products such as platters and bowls. This woodturning provides limitation on the size and patterns with your skill, patience and imagination. Though the majority of the segmented turned objects are shaped into vessels of one sort or another, any turned items made up of multiple pieces of glued wood can already be categorized as something that has undergone turning that is segmented.

Product Samples:

Pepper mills, salt shakers, pens and rolling pins are some of the examples. After items are being turned, by merely cutting them and then re-assembling them, can create unique and really beautiful forms, resulting in an artistic piece. You can also see the example of the work accomplished by Malcolm Tibbetts, who is an expert woodturner.

In addition to the design-related skills, it actually needs a lot more precision when it comes to woodworking skills as well as in the turning skills. The design as well as the general make up of a bowl blank, which is the piece of wood that can be usually seen mounted on top of the lathe for turning a vessel, needs to be angled, especially in miter joints cuts to as little as a tenth of just one degree, or a bit more.

Qualities of a Good Segmented Woodturner:

A segmented woodturner also has to possess some of the qualities needed in order for them to be more successful. Primarily, you have to be patient. In everything that we do, there are many quick and instant results. If you want to fulfill yourself and feel real satisfaction, take it easy and slow. Next is that you have to enjoy meticulous work. If you are a kind of person who is easily irritated by complex things, this is definitely an activity not suited for you. In segmented turning, you have to enjoy precise detailed work. Lastly, you need to be a little nutty!

Segmented Woodturners of the Past:

Segmented wood turning has been used a very long time ago, but only a few individuals have used this technique. But since today segmented turning has become more popular, here are some tips and ideas as well as some advantages that can be useful especially to the beginners. First is that a typical segmented project will cost a lot less to make because you make your blank in the shape of the project. This means less materials will be needed. Next is that there is less mess to clean up after turning a segmented object because you don't start with a solid chunk of wood, there will be 65-75% fewer shavings to clean up.

Controlling Grain in Segmented Wood Pieces:

Another thing is that, you can control the grain direction in segmented projects so the turning is easier with fewer opportunities for 'catches' and other unfortunate mishaps. Next is that you will end up with creations that Mother Nature could only dream of because with segmented projects, you can mix different wood types and take advantage of different orientations of the joints between pieces of wood. Another thing also is that you can figure out what your segmented project will look like before you start. There are several design tools you can use to do this.

Managing Leftover Wood:

Also, segmented projects are a way for you make good use of those little, leftover pieces of wood; even pen blanks are sometimes useful. Next important thing is that there is a bunch of people ready and eager to help you. And last but definitely not the least is that you do not have to wait forever for the wood to dry. Dried materials ready for use are easily available in the market.

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