Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Construction Cleaning Business

business of cleaning up for construction companies. There are two separate construction cleaning business's you can look into. The first of course would be the outside cleanup after the house is completely finished.

In that business you would be cleaning up all the wood, plastic, wire lathe, or the general mess that the contractors have left on the ground or in the garage. It's not an easy job to undertake, but if you get in with a few builders you should always be able to stay busy and have money coming into your pocket.

With cleaning of the outside you might want to look into purchasing a bobcat to pick up the bigger messes quicker then what you could do by hand. And also this would not be a good one person job if you have to do it by hand, get a buddy to go into business with you.

Another construction cleaning business that you could get into is the cleaning of the inside of the house. This is basically like doing maid work for individuals, except a bit bigger of a job. You will have little pieces of carpet and trim left inside the house you'll need to pick up. But in the long run you could make a good amount of money doing this. You'll most likely have to bid to get in with a builder, but consider your bid before setting a price that is way too low, or too high.

Either way you try and get into a construction cleaning business you will find that when construction is booming you will be so busy you might need to hire someone to help you. That is if you are doing the inside cleaning of the completed house. Remember if you're cleaning up the outside, you'll either need a bobcat or at least one other person with you to clean. But you can just plan the pay of the other person and not cut out on what your profit will be.

This is a great choice for someone who is trying to set up themselves as a self-employed contractor. You'll just need to go out and approach different builders, both big and small. Sometimes you may think going to a big builder isn't worth it, but you never know until you ask. The bigger builder may not be happy with their current cleaning crew, or the crew may not be able to keep up with the builder and there are extra houses you will be able to pick up.

And remember, no matter how you plan on going into the cleaning field, franchising is the best kept secret of the 21st Century!

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